The A43 Process

At A43 Architecture, we believe honesty and transparency are key. From pre-design through construction and up to the day you move into your new space, we want our clients to understand the timeline of designing a home. 

Pre Design (PD)

This is the stage after we have decided to work together. The A43 team will be using this time to research and learn about our client through a client questionnaire and resource imagery. We are also working on getting the client setup in the A43 program. We will be reviewing LDR’s, HOA Guidelines, and As-Builts. 

Schematic Design (SD)

The goal of this phase is to receive approval from our client of the program and scope, as well as the budget preview, approval of concept, and selection of contractors and consultants. This is the stage at which A43 is working on preliminary drawings with massing, exterior material concepts, and imagery. We will also be working on contractor interviews, consultant proposals, and HOA submittal. The Pre-Design and Schematic Design phases typically account for about 15-20% of the Architectural fee and, depending on the size of the project, take 1-3 months to complete. 

Design Development (DD)

Design development, which accounts for about 20% of the Architectural fee and takes 2-4 months, focuses on preliminary specs. This includes developed drawings, preliminary schedules, coordination with consultants, refining of the interior layouts, preliminary interior finished, and preliminary pricing exercises. During this phase, the client will simultaneously be approving: progress drawings, preliminary pricing, and the preliminary construction schedule. 

Construction Documents (CDs) 

This portion of the project is the highest intensity stage for the Architect and accounts for about 40% of the fee. Depending on the size of the project, this Phase can take anywhere from 2-5 months. The A43 team will be working on building permits (keep reading about the permit process here) as well as technical drawings and final specs. This includes 95% coordinated drawings, final consultant drawings, final schedules, interior elevations, and construction details. Our client will be approving: interior finishes, interior fixtures, appliances, and finish details. Towards the end of this phase, we are working with the contractor on comprehensive pricing and value engineering, at which point our client will approve the updated budget and updated schedule. 

Construction Administration (CA)

This is the final phase of the architecture timeline, and it accounts for about 25% of the total fee but is the lengthiest portion of the process spanning anywhere from 6-20 months. A43 will occasionally visit the job site for observation to verify that the contractor is following the plans. During this time we will provide the contractor with additional information as requested, review shop drawings and submittals, participate in OAC (Owner-Architect-Contractor) meetings and finally develop a punch list.

Have questions on the architectural process with A43 Architecture? Give us a call at 307-249-8650.


Managing the impacts of material price fluctuation


Modern vs. Contemporary