2023 Home Resolutions

It is 2023, and home purchasing, building, renovating and permitting in Teton County is ramping back up. While most folks are trying to achieve personal resolutions, we are excited to share some helpful and attainable resolutions from Lombardo for your home building and home renovations in 2023.

  1. Consider Energy Use

When designing your home, make sure to talk with your team about using efficient insulation, ductwork, and lighting. Our team at A43 Architecture can utilize many tools and designs to make your home more energy efficient. You can also work with your interior designer to use design materials that are recycled or reused. 

2. Improve Indoor Air Quality

While building your home, consider indoor air quality. This starts by choosing an appropriate HVAC system. Once you are moved in, it is important to change furnace filters regularly. Using an air purification system helps cut down on indoor pollutants like dander and dust. 

3. Incorporate Low Maintenance, Long-Lasting, and Durable Materials

A43 Architecture believes in using honest building materials. We can help you choose low maintenance, long-lasting, ethically sourced, and durable materials to ensure that your home investment endures. Durable materials also help improve energy efficiency and reduce household upkeep.

4. Have A Realistic Timeline

Permitting in Teton County has slowed significantly. What was once 3 weeks with the Town of Jackson is now 4-6 weeks. What used to be 10-14 weeks with Teton County is now more like 12-18 weeks. Keep these timelines in mind as you begin or continue your project with A43 Architecture. If you are well beyond the permitting process, also keep in mind that the construction supply chain and furniture ordering is still significantly delayed. Our team suggests that no matter where you are in the process, you plan (order) ahead, and remain flexible with timelines. Giving yourself a solid 2-3 month cushion should help manage expectations. 

5. Prepare for Emergencies

Your home is not only an investment, it is your safe place. That is why we recommend that all home owners work with their team to install appropriate fire alarms and security systems. Environmental safety begins from the moment A43 starts designing your home. We consider the slope, water, trees, neighboring structures etc. for the safety of your home and family in the event of a natural disaster. 

6. Give ‘New Things’ A Proper Home 

Whether you are working with us, with an interior designer or designing the interior of a home yourself, it is important that everything has a place. To avoid clutter, when stocking up on items for your new home, be sure there is a spot for everything. This goes for both everyday household items and design elements. 

7. Get Rid Of Items You Don’t Need

This one is easy: as you prepare to leave your current home to move into your new one, get rid of anything you don’t need or use. Donating these items means a less hectic move and an easier transition into your new space.

8. Arrange Furniture for Efficiency and Comfort 

To optimize your heating and cooling, be aware of how your furniture is arranged. The A43 Team can help you consider fireplace, window, and air supply placement as it relates to your furnishings. 

A43 Architecture is here and ready to help you achieve your 2023 home building and home renovating goals. Get started today by giving us a call at 307-249-8650 or by sending us an email at info@a43design.com

Article source: https://lombardohomes.com/13-new-years-resolutions-for-your-home-2/


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